Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


jR4ss Klimbeth Hail.r, th mother of IHrs. D. Krrtt Bradnar, died suddenVy yeaterday about o'clock, at 11 a ton hospital, after a Tory brief ilUss. Mrs. Haller 1 well known In the Boulevard serft on and la th East Knd.

whare srai haa resided sine DUr HERE TOMORROW OIGCOfilillf 1 JIK ABOUT BUDGET DIAMONDS aarrtesta rt TblrUeth Street Christian church laat Sunday were held In honor of mother alt over the world ia th Mothers' Day xretsu, which endod with the Mother' Prayer" by th paater. Rev. da Oafferelly, whs declared that mother know th Ursine Have Until May 19 to Com Mr. Smith Contend There Committee ExDects General Friendliness in Home Spirit best, stating further that he believed mother' prayer war ana- plete Details of Their Nomination. earning; Newaort News to mak WU1 Be Deficit in the End.

Coming Celebration to Send Warmth of Rela-, tions to Higher and Lasting Pitch. Big Parade in Morning. her home. HhQ urrlvod by en daughter. Mrs.

D. Brrett is red swoner and listened more keenly. In addition to th axercl la tha Sunday School commemorating tha occasion, th 01 am bar cf th Leyai Candidate wha hare bean en 1110 Twenty-third street CsmeideraUon of tho budpnt which Betorn cocnlns; fti Newport Newa dorsed by tha signature of 00 Thu been recommended by th pom- sVLr. Haller Svnd aaughter reeldeft Berean Bibl class appeared at th man flnanr committed will talra In Klohmoad, where thP family waa noore citizens tor tbo new council uf five, election of which will take piao The same type of smart ereationa Bhotm in the great jewelry eeater New York; Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia will be found at this esqabHshment. Our diamond neleclfions are made with a view to strengthening a reputation won through fifty years of dependable chandising.

i Disc at th regular mortfng; the J-ark Katrine and other Lochs, th shipyard aggregation of music mak eia, and Fort Monroe's military bras: prominent socially. Her death will in 'this city on June 8, have until prove a shook to many friends bandsmen. Thia parade will Blart common council tonight. Tho budget lata been compiled aftrr several weeks of strenuous work on tho part throughout! Virginia, particularly so at 11 clock sharp. Wednesday, May 19, to ille their au ceptances.

as she hadaenjoyed the best of health At ona of the haiploat. heartiest mcetjnrs of Newport Nivs oHIrens, tho committee In rhsnre Community ly scheme and pluts and counter-plot, yesterday afternoon In the Community center, fin.il plans for the greatest day in the history of trlrnrily roiationa halt ween thia city and her neiKhhor cities and thr country diatrlotn were lr.iwn. ar of tho flnanre rotnmitteo and includes The paraders will march up Hunt until Saturday, when stricken, which lngton avenue to Forty-first street, 'additional anproprtatinna for nearly Already several candidates have In necessitated her removal to Buxton over to Washington avenue, down every lpartmont. maktn; a total mora than 1708.900. outvid of iro hospital.

Has- recovery was confi dlrated their acceptance of tha noml night service In a body, when an opportunity wa given them to select old bymna and songs which reflected the pint of th occasion. Tha church wa filled to more than Its capacity and mors than elghty-flve persona were preaent at th Christian Hndeavor services which preceded tha evening services of tha church. GENERAL PERSHING IS BRINGING OWN SUGAR SAN I AN, P. May 10 -General i'ersliing. who baa been on a several day visit to the island of Twenty-fourth street, over to West avenue, up to Thirtieth street and dently, expecsed until shortly before nation by oitlaena, among them JL pnmmen i of tho rjty a provided In her death yertterday.

there disband. At the Twenty-eighth the bond issue now Deriding. S. Baalism, who was the ilrst candl rangement havln hi'un made for everything from the man who blows Th funeral, will be held from St. Godfrey 1 Smith, rhalrnian of tho atreet sonar a oommlttoe of three date to tile hi acceptance.

Mayor. A. John's church, Jlantpton, Wednes A. Moa. wbo likewise filed early rt.it judgea.

Jl. J. Ferguson. J. P.

Lock end W. It. Llvezey, will Judge th the horn to atari tho parade, to the man who pilots the luat visitor oft' fiooimittra, contend that the rity face a dcflt'it of more tlian $250,000 for th nimlnc yar. combine! with urday morning, and It. H.

I'roe. day, at 1:30 a. after which the burial will take In St. John' floats, and award to the beat ono colored lawyer, who waa endorsed for Washington avenue to Wwl and to the deficit last yaor. Thia is due to a prlr.p.

the candidacy at the regular meet cemetery. 0) ward hia now eight cylinder. It Is settled, and tho day will go lorto Rico, sailed this afternoon lor Immediately nfter the parade thc.ro mg of tha Colored Republican Club Use method of nearly every dopart mntit Kieeedln the amount appro Niew York. of thia city several week ugo. will bo speaking.

Among thoae ache down in Newport News aonais as With him he took 100 pounds of duled to talk will be Mayor A. A There ars twenty-five candidates that day." tha commit to, bolivcs. For biscuit, pies and cake use th Tawco brand of aelf-rlaing flour tb world's very best. Ask your grocer Th J. W.

Hows Company, Hampton, sole distributors. Moss, H. L. Ferguson and 8. R.

UtiJ In the race and the acceptance of tho ipriated in the reirular hud(ft and aitklnc for mora money beore the end of the flwal year. The srhxl board inns eoent more than 33,000 in ad- sugar which ho obtained at a sugar central at Arecibo, where he had luncheon today. ton. This part of the program will All members were eo turn or It yesterday that not a cruas word was delivered from ono member to another. nomination by all of these is expected be exceedingly shori long before the expiration of the IiARGBST JEWEIERS SOUTH 231-233 Omnby St.

Norfolk, Virginia Dr. A. Week, Eyesight EpeeisvasA liHnii tit Its anDronrietion wbirh la despite the fact thut some of those day allowed by law in which to tile the notice of acceptance. Failure of mora than combined In the new ap After dinner, at p. athletic events will start There will be prises awarded to the visitor, who eacel prasent were running for tho same propriation, while other rtpiu-tmnt any to attend to this pre office, city councilman.

Godfrey SOCIALISTS PLEAD NOT GUILTY OF "RED" CHARGE iBv Associated Press.) CHICAUO 111., May 10. WUllam Brass Lloyd, wealthy, soclajiat and xcoeded the respective d( iartmentnl vents hia na mo from appearing aa a Smith, generul chairman, made sev at thia sport, and to thoae who win at tliat event. These contest are open to visitor only, except one, to eral alatoments In his report to the budget In Tarring amounts. Cia-r P. Murray, member of the fl committee, among them that (leurgo iwentv-five other members of the which Hoy Heouts from alt section inre rnmmitlee contend that the L.

Palmer had stated the school chil NEGROES CONTEST ernmcnt by force after Claremo Dar FOR SALE nrn welcome. Abe llorwitx. Clarence la now famine a deflrit, as de- dren will be out on holiday tomorrow. May 12, Community liay "that PRIMARY ELECTION nel guilty 10 cnarges 01 uimwvusj to advocate tha overthrow of th gov Marshall, F. M.

Alexander. E. 1. Corn liwribod by Mr. Smith in that the city Two (2) Mew Four-Family Modern Apartments br.Kjka and George Hardy are to be will ho "on its fee.t" when (ho new day." OF SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION urea bermme sallanle.

in 1921. The Judaea of the athletics. Declare They Would Hav Changed Many thing are scheduled to hap ernment by force, atfer Clarence Harrow, one of the attorneys for fhe defense, failed to obtain, a continuance before Judge Oscar Hebel, paw burfitnt will be in legal effect for pen tomorrow, according to the com Very Close te Shipyard 1 1 For Colored Tenants After the athletics the people will bo shown about the city and turned biiIv two months durlnn July ana Result of Richmond Election Had Count Been Mad Right. DIRECT mittee who filled the conference chamber upstairs in tho Community IK1 Giro dc Ex Originated Malted Hllli in 1C33 The nM, "Malted USkT devised by Horlick, bae beea appropriated by others. Only by the Original HorbWk process which imitators do not reprodtice, oan the fell food vakaes and Savor of KUhcd Milk be obtained.

The medical profasstnn saiytsuereha) Ioobo to spend the remainder of the Fully Rsntd for $156.00 per Month August, the rate of the budget now being offered being a matter of future consideration by the members day a they wish. House yesterday. At 10 a. m. tomorrow all members of the general cum Order Power Man Out.

PARIS. May 0. Tha Kreneh gen Ferryman Ash, at Yorktown, haa 'of the new council which will bo (Ppaoial to Daily RICHMOND, May 10. Patl-lon of four colored citizen for a eral federation of labor announced to elected in June. stated round trip rates will bo cf fective for that day to persons com ins from back country in It tea will meet at the Community center.

Karh will put in his pockets some hundreds of tags for visitor. 663 and S4S Forty -fifth- Street, West of Jefferson Avenue Brick-enclosad foundation Double Porches Water iJlnlcs Wired for Horpeard throuchoist. 100 FIRE INSURANCE PROTECTION jL new Democratic primary for mayor Beeldea providing fur free school (hooka as far as the appropriation of Two points were brought out for of Richmond was Med Saturday aft- They will arrange final details and each committee will go to ins iFiie- "tS.008 will go, the new budget con- emphasis yesterday all trucks ei-Boon-m the city circuit court by V. night that the electrical plant workers would be ordered to go on atrike to strengthen the walkout on transportation line tended to force nationalization of public utilities. En-ployees of the metropolitan subways have been ordered to strike tomorrow.

ProfiU and other vehicles muat be off Wash Denny, a negro lawyer represent ular job. WasWnsjten thin a provitdon which la a start toward motorizing the street cleaning division of the henlth department. In At 10:30 the parade will gather at ington avenue, beginning at 10:30 ing James Taylor, Charles M. Jackson, Lee Jackson and It. R.

Williams, Waggaman Thirty-first street and Huntington SOUCTED that two motor 'truck have been ail- 11 colored, who claim to havo been avenue. All firms in the oily and all ndorsad toe Orspnal prodact tar osssr tomorrow morning, and must stay off until after the parade; and that all floats in the parade must have something on tliem hy which tho 'Uiorized with an nnnionrlstioii of thiid of century. Avoid refused ihe right to vole at the Sixth precinct of Jefferson ward in tho re Individuals If possililo Will be in thia parade with finals and auloa. There will be three bands the Clan cent Democratic primary. $8,000 on "borrowed money." VIRGINIA'S LABOR committee may identify Ihoni.

Happy day! NEW HAIR after BALMESS I YU sn tester kslr. hsss euKtrtA ss ft. 10. 1st It ks kuto UiU KTLSO. ssalsla.

ICS sslss, Ssv si I sed 0M DUS toeSMUV snts. is wonderfully saecMsfsl. Wot nsa, woswa. elilldrsa. Hslr irswa.

dsndnst sllsslostsd ta bus raa utm sit Hss tails. MM OOSS- The petition slates that the four Donald piper from Ioch Lomond, complaints and many other negroes TO MEET IN JUNE FUNERAL SERVICES throughout city would, if admitted to the primary, have voted for John ACCIDENT ON ROAD aNTBS ssd monsr-nnisd ssr. Oss a bss sj 1 1 This Man is Worth HirsrhborK for mayor, and that the say busr phsnssry; Ik Of KSTALKS IS FATAL TO ONE MRS. JULIA MORRIS admission of qualiticd iiegroos would H. Brinam, lac Ststlea F.

New Yerk. N. V. have changed the result. Fiv Others Painfully Injured When Sister of Mrs.

Maria taray of Newport The action of tha city Democratic Newa Is Buried In committee in barring negroes from the Democratic primary was taken Large Touring Car Overturns Near Martinsville. (Special to Dally Press.) DANVILLR, May (Special to Daily Preaa.1 The atale labor convention will eet in Newport Newa for the drat 'time Jn its history on the 14th of 'Jane, and will hold waelona in the community house for about five day. ta expected that there will bo about SA6 delegate to the convention from other cltiea, and other parta of the atate. Some of the international of-fleer will very probably be present. F.

H. Burdntt, buaines manager for the carpenter local, aald yeaterday that the convention was expected to take a positive stand agalnat the new on advice of tho attorney general of Virginia. No dale has as yet been set. Day 1 $1000 Per PIrnest L. Dodson, 23 years old, a RICHMOND.

May 10. Funeral service for Mia Julian Mnrria, who died in her home in Leeshurg. were conducted afternoon at 3 o'clock storekeeper of Schooltield, was killed, hi brother. Ifomer Dodson, seriously hurt and five other persons more in the mortuary chapel in Hollywood, LIFT OFF CORNS! her body having been brought to or less Injured Sunday when a largo Richmond today for burial. r.hlld labor law, and to take steps touring car In which they were driving to Martinsville from Flelddiile, Mr.

Morris wa a eister of the Jate Charle C. Walker, assistant superintendent, of transportation of the urned turtle and rolled down an em Apply tew drops then lift sort. bankment. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, who The accident occurred while the toilchy corn off with died in AHoher, 1919. Besides bar car wa running rapidly and trying to negotiate a nake-llna twist dn husband, ehe Is survived by two Bis fingers Wo pain I ters, Mrs.

alvtn Sstterfleld, of ha road. Dodaon waa Instantly Washington, and Mrs. Maria Oray. of killed, Daniel Hall, chauffeur, was badly hart. Two little girls and Newport News, and one brother Thomas Walker, of Washington.

heir father were also Injured. All Mrs. Morris was formerly Miss Bai Injured persons are In a hoapital In looking to It repeal by the legislature. TAioal labor Isadora will make extensive preparationa for the coming of the visitors, and give them sn portunity to are Juat what organised labor ia doing here, and 'air Insight Into the of the dry of the water. There will bo representative present from practically every union in the atate.

During the war the growth of local labor organisations wa several hundred per rent in many case, and consequently Newport Nets wa admittedly one of the logical eltlea to hold a convention. It Is the belief of those who have been in touch with the growth of the variou organixartons for the Mist three year. Alexandria, Virginia, was tho place of the convention laat year. Martinsville. The car was so little lie Walker.

She' was a daughter of the late Genera Lindsay Walker, of damaged that It wa run under It own power Into Martinsville, Albemarle county. Tier alster Mr. Roll Walkpr Payne, widow of F.llaa O. Payne, died In Lynchburg last year. EXPORTERS TO GET From the Top of His Head to This Line Unless His Eyes Are Right He Is Worth From Here to His Feet He is Worth Postal Raise Oua July 1.

NO FURTHER HELP WASHINGTON, May 1ft Senator Gay of Louisiana, a member of the Secretary Houston 8ays Government Will Hav To Borrow If Loans Continue. WASHINGTON, May Jtl Financial aid for exporters was withdrawn by Joint congressional commission named to readjust salaries of postal employes, announced In the senate today theL the commission wolijrt recommend that all increase in pay endorsed by It become effectivo on July 1. The oommlttoe expect to make It report public within a short time. the government todsy. At the re ave ooit ut of Hecretary Houston thn War Finance Corporation sustended further advance to nld in shipments broad except such as already have Dark Hair been authorised.

Col. Lee Nominated. Doesn't hurt a hit! Drop a little Mr. Houston said that If more loans WAFT 11 NO TON, P. May 10.

Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stop hurting, then you lift It right out. Yes, Colonel Harry Leo wa nominated by President Wilson today to bo brigadier general in the marine corps for temiwrary service. $4.00 Per Day A tiny bottle of Freeaone rosts but few cents at any drug store, but 1 Oont Feel Backward or Half-Afraid Any Mere on Account of Your Gray, Streaked or Faded Hair, as It Is so Eaay and Safe to Restore Original tt.Dark Shade N0 Oya Used. I sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the "tors, and the calluses, without soreness or Irritation. OLIVE THOMAS IN "YOUTHFUL FOLLY" were made ty the war nuance corporation the government would aqaln have to enter the borrowing field.

This he said, did not seem advisable under existing circ*mstances. The corporation has loaned the entire amount of Its capital stock $500 000,000 as well as its surplus. A continuation of loans. Mr, Houston said, would compel a new issue of war finance corporation lionda. MAY HAVeTtO DO RELIEF WORK OVER Freozone I the sensational dis covery nf a Cincinnati genius.

It hi wonderful. Adv. Don't Take Chances Royal and See Better 1 The Biest Job Nobody loves washday nobody loves dirty clothes. It's the biggest job this laundry affair. That is if it's done at home or by old Aunt Jemima.

NOW If it's done by the Newport News Wet Wash plan. Ohrthat's different Then there is no such thing as washday. Monday is like every other day of the week. Make the cloths hamper look insignificant Be mistress of your own house! We are at your service. PHONE 22-W, and we will send our rapid truck right after your clothes and return them to you in a few hour clean, snowy white, done in our sanitary plant Newport Hews Wet Wash Inc.

BOAT HARBOR Phone 22-W, I'Uaaw Ktitk rotllu. i See Specialist in Eyeglass Comfort 133 TWENTY-EIGHTH ST. NEWPORT NEWS Your gray, streaked, thin or faded or lifeless hBlr makes a big difference in your appearance and feelings. You know yoit are side-tracked while others with dark lustrous hair, even if older than you. are given the preference.

Iwn't envy them any longer fcut get a bottle of Q-Han (pronounced Ku-Ban) Hair Color Restorer from joijr druggist, toilet, counter. P'ol--inw simple direction and apply to all your hair ntid ecalp in the privacy your home. ia not a dye it takes a few days while "Q-Ban" Jnviifortttes the color glands of naitire. acta on 1 tie rootw. when you will be leliehted to observe all of tho gray disappearing Irnrn your hair and your nUre head of hair becomes a slnm-jnermg, fluffy, radiant muss of beautiful dark hair ayain witiiou' even a 1race of gray snowing.

It is wonderful what a Oifterent view on Itte dark, radiant hair kivcs you Vou foci your old self ajain, Hnnply give J-llan Hair Coloc Restorer a trial. "Ve promise you not only re.itored dark hau' apaiii but folka will seek you out again. ivunyliackcr Drug Company. Newport Va. Adv.

I Coarse hair made NEW YORK, May In-Hnlns the political situation clears ii! in Syria and fillosta. where Turkish forces are attacking Armenian garrisons, Anier lean relief work must be begun all over again, to a ranlo mi s-aage received here today hy the near east relief orK.inizatiun trom General removal of all Armenian orphans under American ran; is in progress. A letter received by Caravan at Beirut from Dr. Marion c. Wilson, of Ilooneville.

ot Maiash reported all well. Trie letter was dispatched April in. When Myron tielznlck allotted Ova principal role In "Youthful Folly" to Olive Tliomaa he made a selection that could not possibly be Improved upon. Ono of the most beautiful women on the screen or stage today, Miss Thomas la also the possessor of great histrionic talents which have been most carefully developed in each succeeding photoplay appearance. As Nancy Khcrwood in "Youthful Folly." which is the feature, attraction at thn Imperial theatre today Miss Thomas rises to dramatic heif-hts which both surprise and call forth the admiration of her many screen followers, She appears a a young Klrl who marries a blaso man of the world because, to her, he typifies all that makes life worth living.

As a matter of fact, the man had already been rallying on "affairs" with Nan. y's cousin, Mrs Iila Ains-ley. and hail merely married Nancy in order to make Vila's husband believe Hie affair'' was. at an end. How the skeina nf an adroitly tangled plot ne gradually unravelled and dnmoa-ii is restored makes a most interesting and entertaining hour and a ijiiarter for the spectator.

oft and easy to manage by using Nelson's Hair Dressing Nelson's is fm for th scalp, re sir Th" sometimes km 1 moves dandruff and makes th hair grow. Nelson's th original and genu-int high-grade hir dressing the choice or partkuUr colored people for nearly 2) year. All toed srat torn is U.S. keeeNclsea't, Gl esfk (mm rout srnccui. Be mm to SSI teauias NsIhm's.

rni Ontario, is desired, pi-i a tMMi! 1 eoinntunient il Attorney at Law. Arrived In Nr l.ltV fi, i Sit. )': ATTENTION Nelson Mfg. Cc, ewp. A.

National Hank News, I'. S. F.O.E. Yon ar lipreby requested to attend the next regular moetine to bit hold at the JIoidiv L'GOa TO WHOM IT MAY V.XK Notice A lipri'hy Rivori Ounis Moore, a duly mar iff t. will, on th 1 1 day of tt Keys C.

L. PH1LUPS Liocksmtth and Safe Expert 336 Twenty-eighth BU Continued from Page One Wafsb.irii'Hm nt 8:15 the of 'hat next term of the Circuit Coin Klizabcth City County, Virginia, Something You Can Afford No matter how high the cost of Irving may be and no matter how hard it may be at times to make both ends meet, you can certainly afford to have a savings account in fact, you cannot afford to be without one as insurance against sickness, unexpected reverses as well aa old age. Beginby depositing whatever amount you may have on hand, and add to-it every time you reeeive your pay and you will be surprised to see how quickly it will accumulate into a substantial ance. When yoo have accumulated a thousand or more dollars we will help you invest it into a higher interest bearing security. MAYBE OUR BANK IS the BEST BANK FOR YOU, Two Kinds of, Interest Personal and 4 per.

Cent National Mechanics Bank vcr the border to escape processes bi. intf Jnu iHu, itiHh application t( the mid Court for i ri'dnck, TiioKfJay, May 11th. Vortvr.Htinn lil election of officers for rnsuincr term. By order of the president. E.

J. STItrM, Kcc'y. cor the most part, however, that TH-ohjthiv Im i lur Americans who might readily In the avml themselves aid are nrlneloahv license to ec.ll itf mv place of 1les. iNo. fil Armlfileud nvemje, A Stated Con voca Fil tion of St.

John's Royal Arch Chapter, BLACKMAN'S Just Received 600 Hats at HALF-PRICE Such Bargains -willnever again be offered. Come early and getours. No. 57, will be held in its Tabernacle. 2702- City of Jlulnjiton, Virginia, pure fioll and grain alcohol, pure whivkey and pure brandy and winu for purjiuHcs; the name to be sold as, and In the manner, provided by law.

If lor any reason the said Court Bhouid not be in CMlon orl nald day, then this appl Icatton will be made on the next succeeding day that the heme shall be in sesniun. (Hignedi A. CURTIS MOOHK. April 26, 120. oil men and planter along the gulf coast For their assistance the navy department has ordered the aiiper-Ureaxtnaught Oklahoma from New York to Key Wmt for poanibla duty in Mexican waters.

Hhe will take un a full company of marine before "antfnK out Manwhlln tha naval transport Henderson will loud 1,200 marine from i he navy yard and nrooeed to hey Weet to await development. Amurlran destroyer hav arrrvod at Tainpieo. joining the gunboat Kacra-mento and the cruiser Dolphra also tons reached that port Other dent rovers have roached Tazpam nd OFFICERS! XL 11 BtsANTOM. Press doit ST. J.

BPKsUCKR, Vtce-Preeident i. H. COOK. Casts! ar a Is SJEWXX JUs't Cashier DIRECTORS) IX JONESS, Chatrman T. A.


SPRAKKH HOBIONS B.S.BLULNTON 04 Washinifton on Tuesday evening, May 11, 1920, at 7:30 o'clock. Official vitiit of the Difrtrict Dep. Jl. John C. Sterling of Cape Charles.

Balloting on petitions. Conferring M. M. degree. Refresh menta.

All R. A. Masons are cordi-lly invited to attend. By order of the FT. P.

F. C. B1VINS Kpr-V go rux and three mora -will wnh the Oklahoma. JEW YORK MWIlTACTuTXIC QTODE a BLACKMAN, Prop. h.

J. AtSOtMgr. 2804 WASHINGTON AVE. ExpectantOW Applied Hint hone P. Exterrtallv Tsono of tndajr' fragmentary di-pateh coming from vmrion oaroM, made any mention of armed, reaiet-snce by the Carransa force to the revoluuonlata but told a abmovt uniform atory of federal garrison going over wubout a struggl'V Mt I aaujuno co.


Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.