Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 6.6.2024 (2024)

Before her AEW Women’s World Championship match at Forbidden Door with Toni Storm, Mina Shirakawa wants to prove she isn’t just a pretty face! But will she pass Serena Deeb’s test?


  • Penta El Zero Miedo w/ Alex Abrahantes VS The Butcher; Penta wins.
  • The Acclaimed VS Hunter Grey & Parviz; The Acclaimed win.
  • Private Party VS The Gates of Agony; The Gates win.
  • Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS Caleb Crush, Chris Wilde & Tyler Payne; The Bang Bang Gang wins.
  • Mina Shirakawa VS Serena Deeb; Mina wins.


Penta El Zero Miedo w/ Alex Abrahantes VS The Butcher!

While his Lucha Brother is challenging for the AEW International Championship next week, Penta wants to prove he’s still worthy of his own opportunities! Will #CeroMiedo see him through? Or will he be put on the chopping block?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. The fans cheer for “CERO! MIEDO!” as Penta and Butcher step up. Penta shoves Butcher, Butcher shoves back, but Penta says listen! CERO! MIEDO! Butcher DECKS Penta! Butcher stomps away on Penta, drags him up, and whips him to ropes. Penta holds ropes, but Butcher kicks him! Butcher runs, but Penta SUPERKICKS! Then Penta CHOPS! Penta says “CERO! MIEDO!” then runs, but Butcher BOOTS him down! Butcher CLUBS Penta, drags him up, and whips him to a corner. Butcher runs in, into another SUPERKICK! Penta then dodges Butcher to GAMANGIRI!

Butcher CHOPS Butcher, sits him down, then runs corner to corner and back again, to jump up, headstand on the corner, and SWINGING DROPKICK! The fans cheer, Penta covers, TWO! Butcher toughs it out but the fans continue to rally. Penta waits on Butcher to stand, and KICKS the leg! And KICKS again! Penta brings Butcher around, whips, but Butcher reverses. Penta ducks ‘n’ dodges then tilt-o-whirl RANAS! Butcher tumbles out, the fans rally up, and Penta builds speed! Penta slides, Butcher drops under! But Penta mule kicks him! Penta goes for another kick, Butcher blocks it and shoves Penta back.

Butcher storms up, Penta dodges, but Butcher CLOBBERS Abrahantes! The Hype Man takes the hit but Penta SUPERKICKS again! Penta RAMS Butcher into steel steps, then he checks on Abrahantes. Penta needs help for his guy and a medic checks on him. But Butcher ROCKS Penta with a sucker punch! Butcher RAMS Penta into the apron, then whips him back into LARIAT! The ring count climbs, Butcher puts Penta in to cover, TWO! Butcher drops a knee on Penta, then paces around. Butcher drags Penta up, then whips him to a corner. Butcher then runs in to clothesline! Butcher snapmares, and he KICKS Penta in the arm!

Penta writhes, Butcher circles like a shark with blood in the water, then he stomps Penta again before Rampage goes picture in picture.

Penta bails out of the ring and shakes out the arm, but Butcher pursues. Butcher storms up on Penta, stomps him against railing, then SMACKS the bad arm off some! Butcher CHOPS Penta, brings him around, and POSTS him! Penta staggers away then falls over, so Butcher stands on the arm! The ref reprimands, Penta flails, but Butcher stomps the hand! Butcher then throws hands on Penta, refreshes the ring count, then drags Penta up. Butcher wrenches to hammerlock and RAM Penta into the apron! Penta flounders into the ring, Butcher storms in after him, and Butcher paces around him.

Butcher drops a knee on Penta’s bad arm! Rampage returns to single picture as Butcher stomps Penta, but Penta gets fired up! Penta eggs Butcher on but Butcher stomps him down! The fans continue to rally for “CERO! MIEDO!” but Butcher puts the bad arm on ropes. Butcherpulls the arm, but the ref counts. Butcher lets off, drags Penta up, and whips. Penta KICKS back, but Butcher comes back! Penta ducks ‘n’ dodges to SLINGBLADE! And then SLINGBLADE again! Cover, TWO! Penta is frustrated but he stomps Butcher. Penta goes to a corner, the fans fire up as he shakes out the arm, and Penta climbs.

Penta leaps, Butcher avoids the stomps! Butcher runs up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Penta is still in this but Butcher drags him up. Butcher ROCKS Penta, the fans rally, and Butcher whips corner to corner. Penta goes up and over to BACKSTABBER! Butcher writhes, Penta covers, TWO! Butcher stays in this but the fans still rally for Penta. Penta slowly rises, as does Butcher, and the two head for each other. Penta winds up but Butcher gets around, half nelson and BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Penta survives abut Butcher just drags him up. CHOKE- NO, Penta slips free to shove, SOBAT, and then front kick!

Penta reels Butcher in, “CERO! MIEDO!” Tuck and PACKAGE PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Penta wins!

Winner: Penta El Zero Miedo, by pinfall

Have no fear, Penta pulls out the victory here! But with as tough as Butcher was to take down, will finding a title opportunity only get harder from here?

BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!

Mercedes Mone is being a fighting champion as she puts her TBS Championship up against CMLL’s Zeuxis! In fact, Zeuxis is one-half of the CMLL Women’s Tag Team Champions alongside Stephanie Vaquer, who is coming for the TBS title one way or another at Forbidden Door! Will “La Diosa Guerrera” make her and La Primera into a Two Woman Power Trip? Or will The CEO handle business against one great luchadora before facing another?

BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

Toni Storm is preparing for the hot, hot Mina Shirakawa by taking on the ice cold Lady Frost! Will The Leading Lady be shining on the road to The Forbidden Door? Or will she get the chills when Lady Frost bites her? Plus, in their return to in-ring action, FTR battles the Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta! Will Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood still be feeling like #TopGuys after taking on The Swiss Superman & Decoder?

Chris Jericho is here!

The “For The World” Champion, the Learning Tree, walks out, leading Bryan Keith & “Big Bill” Morrissey down the ramp. They all wave hi, and then Jericho tells Daddy Magic he’s doing a great job. Just try not to talk over others, and keep your head up because that is the money maker. Just remember that, okay? Jericho won an award from The Wrestling Observer Newsletter for Commentator of the Year, so Jericho knows what he’s talking about. Bill & Bryan applaud, Jericho thanks the fans, and then Bryan makes sure Menard remembers to respect The Learning Tree. Menard says no oneappreciated Jericho more than Menard.

The Learning Tree and his “branches” make like trees and leaf, but are they gonna end up barking up the wrong trees and get cut down?

The Acclaimed VS Hunter Grey & Parviz!

They got shut down on Dynamite, but Max Caster & Anthony Bowens are ready to get loud in Loveland! “Platinum on the mic, unsanitary spit. ‘Bout to fight these two dudes from January Sixth! If you storm the capitol, you should go covert. Or do it in the dark like you datin’ Lauren Bobert! Two fake John Norris, I leave your faces bloody, blocked pores. Beyond ugly, gotta contour. Big Max on the mic, it’s beyond poor. The Acclaimed!” Bowens then takes the mic to say, “COLORADOOOOO~! The Acclaimed have arrived! Scissor me, Daddy Ass~!” And he does! But will they be able to topple the #PillarsOfDestiny?

The teams sort out but the Rocky Mountain men run up! Bowens DUMPS Parviz while Caster kicks Grey low. Caster fires off on Grey, Grey hits back, and the bell rings! Grey HEADBUTTS Caster, RAMS Caster into the corner, but Bowens POSTS Parviz! Caster BOOTS Grey away, then brings him around for a fireman’s carry. DEATH VALLEY- NO, Grey handsprings through! The fans sing “OH~ Scissor Me Daddy~!” as Caster ducks a roundhouse to BACKHAND! Fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Caster then goes up the corner, fires the fans up, and hits the MIC DROP! Cover, The Acclaimed win!

Winners: The Acclaimed, by pinfall

It was easy as that for the former tag team champions, and then they and Billy Gunn SCISSOR PARTY~! Will there be no stopping Caster & Bowens from getting back to those AEW World Tag Team Championships?

AEW hears from Shane Taylor Promotions.

Lee Moriarty says last week was a nice win on Collision. But #TAIGASTYLE ain’t satisfied with just one, and he knows they aren’t, either. So what they on? Shane Taylor himself says that when STP arrived, he said they’d call out the best and the baddest, and that is what they’ve done. That brings them to one of the most exciting, most death defying, most entertaining teams in all of AEW, Top Flight & Action Andretti. That is, when those three are all healthy. Just seems like when one of those boys shows up, the other goes on the bench. But Shane puts them on game. They wanna step to STP? To the baddest fight team in all of pro-wrestling?

Shane will hurtboth Dante & Darius, leaving their little homie, Action, to fly solo. Ogogo likes that. Action will end up solo in the ring with Ogogo, and that’s a scary place to be. If any of those three DARE get in the ring with STP, they will smash you up! “Rumble, bad man, rumble.”

Private Party VS The Gates of Agony!

Mar Quen & Isiah Kassidy don’t really care much for what The Learning Tree had to say about changing their style, because not everyone’s their kind of vibe. But will Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona crash the party on their way back to some titles? Or will Quen & Zay make it through the Gates on their own path to the top?

The teams sort out and Zay starts against the Cameroonian Prince. They circle, Zay dodges, then dodges again! Zay gets around to waistlock, Kaun switches then back suplexes, but Zay lands out! Zay hits Liona but Liona barely budges! Kaun runs up behind to back suplex again! Zay lands out again, then dodges again, to triangle jump STUNNER! That takes Liona down! Zay BOOTS Kaun, runs, Quen sneaks a tag. Zay slides under, Quen springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up while Kaun bails out, and Quen builds speed! Kaun gets away but Quen just springboards to backflip! Then Zay DIVES to take out Kaun!

The fans fire up with The Party, but Liona POUNCES Zay down! The fans boo and Quen storms up while Rampage goes picture in picture.

Quen PLANCHAs, but Kaun gets Liona out of the way, to then whip him back in! Liona POUNCES Quen! The Party is down, Liona drags Quen up and into the ring. Kaun is there to rain down fists on Quen, then stomps him. Kaun drags Quen up, whips him to the corner, then tags in Liona. The Gates bring Quen around to double whip, double scoop, and double SLAM! Quen writes, Liona looms over him, and then Linoa stands on Quen’s head. The ref reprimands, Liona steps away, stalks Quen to ropes, then CHOKES him! The ref counts, Liona lets off at 4, but Kaun is there to CHOKE Quen behind the ref’s back!

Kaun gets away with that, and then Liona BLASTS Zay off the apron! Liona tags Kaun, The Gates storm over to Quen, and they put Quen in the corner. The Gates mug Quen, the ref counts and Quen tries to fight back, but Kaun just stomps Quen down. Kaun digs his boot in, lets off as the ref counts, and then drags him back up. Kaun snapmares Quen and clamps on a chinlock. Quen endures as Kaun leans on him, and Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns as Zay TOSSES Liona out! The fans fire up and Zay builds speed, to go up and up and ESCALARA SWANTON onto The Gates! The fans fire up with Zay and he puts Kaun back in the ring. Zay goes up, aims, and SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Kaun is still in this but the fans stay behind Private Party. Zay hurries to tag Quen, and the Party CHOPS Kaun. They double whip corner to corner, then Quen runs up. KauN BOOTS Quen, then URENAGES Zay! Kaun SHOTGUNS Quen to the corner! Tag to Liona, the Gates get Zay up! LARIAT SANDWICH! Liona covers, Zay breaks it!

The fans fire up but Kaun storms up on Zay. Bug Zay TOSSES Kaun out first! Liona focuses on Quen as he puts Quen in a drop zone. The fans rally with “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” but Liona climbs! VADER BOMBFLOPS as Quen moves! Hot tag to Zay and Zay hurries up the corner again! 450 SPLASH! Quen is up top, he adds the SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Zay hurries back to cover, but Kaun breaks it! Kaun then hoists Quen up, GUT BUSTER DROP! Zay CHOPS and ROCKS Kaun, “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” Linoa rises, Zay whips, Kaun reverses! FLAPJACK into the SWINGING SIDE SLAM!! Liona roars and calls to Kaun!

The Gates drag Zay up, the fans boo, but they CLOSE THE GATES!! Cover, Gates of Agony win!

Winners: The Gates of Agony, by pinfall

The party didn’t just get crashed, it got crushed! Will Kaun & Liona, along with Brian Cage, storm their way to the top of AEW soon enough?

Toni Storm presents: Picture of a Champion.

The Leading Lady herself narrates, “In the midst of an un-pree-cedented (unprecedented) reign, a woman whose courage and charisma brought the world to its feet. But suddenly, the world turned cold. A frigid challenger, whose offense is a blustering blizzard of athleticism. Can a Storm be frozen forever? Or can the hormonal heat of This whor* You All Adore melt it all away? Lady Frost, I will raise your temperature, I will boil your stove, and you don’t want to see what I do with an icicle! The time is Saturday, the place is Collision. Let’s make cinema!”

Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS Caleb Crush, Chris Wilde & Tyler Payne!

Firing at full capacity, the fearsome foursome is ready to shoot down all challengers! But as for tonight, this is so #RockHard Juice Robinson can get back in the swing of things! Will #Fullyco*ckedColten and… Austin… help Juice shake off the ring rust? Or is this the opening for three hungry young wrestlers to hit the jackpot?

The trios sort out and Colten starts against Caleb. Colten flexes on Caleb, taunts him with his abs, and even has the ref verify they’re legit. Colten then says he doesn’t care, and tags in Austin. Austin and Caleb circle, but then Austin asks who wants The Juice? The fans fire up and Austin winds up, to tag in Juice! The fans fire up as Juice runs up to CLOBBER Caleb, BLAST Chris, and TOSS Tyler in! Juice then JABS, JABS, JABS and the fans chant “JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!” with each shot. Juice winds up, LEFT HAND O’ GOD! Tyler runs up, into the LEG LARIAT! Chris gets up, Juice hits a SPINEBUSTER!

Juice is all fired up, and he aims at Caleb for the CANNONBALL! And with velocity! Juice gets Caleb up, JUICE IS LOOSE! Cover, Bang Bang Gang wins!

Winners: The Bang Bang Gang, by pinfall

Juice crushed Caleb, “marks his territory” then White gets the mic. “I think we can all agree, there’s nothing I love more than watching my boys go to work, huh? Hey, fellas, should we give it to ’em? Guns up for my Loveland Gold Members~!” The fans join in with the finger guns, and then White says yes, the Bang Bang Gang is back together! Back to full strength! They’re high rollers, top shelf gunslingers, the GOLDEN guns, the sickest and the slickest, Bullet Club GOLD~, The Bang Bang Gang! Fully co*cked Colten! Switchblade Jay White! Austin! And now back at 100%,their Stray Bullet, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrock Hard~, Juice Robinson!

The fans cheer and White says Juice looks lik ehe didn’t miss a beat. That gives White an idea. Here and now, live, White is officially announcing andanointing Juice as one-quarter of the Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Champions! The Gunns put the NINE belts they have all over Juice, and they’re gonna Freebird this to the max! What does Juice say? He’s down with it! Colten & Austin agree, and so does Loveland! Then to anyone who isn’t down with that, they’ve got two words for ya: GUNS UP! Well, with every man now holding 2.25 belts, will there be any trio, quartet or bigger that can take down The Bang Bang Gang?

Mina Shirakawa VS Serena Deeb!

Whether it’s being a mentor to Mariah May or being a world class wrestling, the Fighting Gravure Idol says anything Toni Storm can do, she can do better! Mina is preparing to face Storm for the AEW Women’s World Championship at Forbidden Door, will she beat the Leading Lady’s previous “costar?” Or will she fail the Professor of Pro-Wrestling’s pop quiz?

The bell rings and the fans fire up for both women as they circle. Mina is feeling good, almost dancing around, but the Deeb fans make their voices heard. Deeb and Mina tie up, Deeb wrenches an arm, then wristlocks. Mina rolls, wrenches back, and wristlocks. Deeb drops to a knee, but she rolls, rolls back, then spins around to wrench and wristlock, then wrench again. Deeb wrangles Mina, gets a leg, and then goes from toehold to Paradise Lock! Mina is stuck and the fans cheer as Deeb sits on Mina! Deeb then takes aim, the fans rally, and Deeb runs up to dropkick Mina outta Paradise! The fans cheer more while Mina flounders.

Deeb drags Mina up, reels her in, but Mina wrenches out to whip. Deeb dodges Mina, but Mina KICKS a leg! Mina KICKS the leg again and now Deeb writhes. Mina storms back up, gets a leg, and she steps over to drop a knee on the knee! Mina gets that leg again to drop an elbow on the leg! And then another elbow to the leg! And then a third! Mina swivels them hips, then gives Deeb a fourth elbow to the leg! Mina stomps the leg, then drags Deeb up to tie those legs in a knot. KNEE BUSTER! Deeb writhes, the fans fire up, and Mina paces around. Mina KICKS Deeb’s leg, steps through, but Deeb kicks Mina away.

Deeb hurries up, runs in, but Mina dodges. Mina runs back at the corner, blocks a boot, but Deeb reels her in for a KICK! Deeb goes out to the apron, baits Mina in, and has her in the ropes! NECKBREAKER HOTSHOT! Mina flounders away while Deeb slaps her bad leg into working, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Deeb hobbles a bit as she goes to Mina. Deeb drags Mina up, UPPERCUTS, and Mina falls back. Deeb stands Mina up again, whips her to ropes, then ELBOWS her down! Deeb covers, TWO! Mina is staying in this but Deeb brings her around. Deeb wrenches, then hooks Mina up into an IRON OCTOPUS! Mina endures, even as Deebbends her fingers! Mina fights forward, one step at a time, and she falls into the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts but Deeb lets off fast. Deeb pushes Mina down, eggs her on, and Mina rises. Deeb scuffs Mina but Mina CHOPS! Deeb kicks Mina back down, pushes her around, but Mina gets up to ROCK Deeb!

Deeb storms up but Mina ROCKS her again and again! Deeb comes back to kick Mina down! Deeb then TOSSES Mina out, storms out after her, and brings her up to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUTto the floor! Mina writhes while Deeb paces. Deeb shows off her brand new Deeb’s Dojo banner, then she drags Mina up. Deeb puts Mina in the ring, slides in to cover, TWO! Mina stays in this but Deeb stays on her with stomps the leg. Deeb drops an elbow on the leg, stomps it, then drops another elbow! Deeb turns Mina over into the SEATED SURFBOARD! Mina endures as Deeb pulls and pulls and pulls! Mina doesn’t give in so Deeb lets her go.

Deeb shifts to get the arms, but Mina drops out from the Camel Clutch to turn things over. Mina gets free but Deeb is right after her! Deeb hits a DRAGON SCREW! Mina writhes, Deeb storms back up on her and stomps away. Deeb drags Mina up, gets the leg again, but Mina swings! Deeb avoids the punches to DRAGON SCREW! Rampage returns to single picture as Marina writhes. Deeb grins as she stalks Mina to ropes. Deeb drags Mina back up, goes for the leg again, but Mina ENZIGIRIS first! The fans fire up while both ladies are down! Mina roars as she rises, but still has to crawl her way over to Deeb.

The standing count is climbing, the fans are dueling, and Deeb stands first. Deeb UPPERCUTS Mina, Mina ROCKS Deeb! Deeb UPPERCUTS again, Mina ROCKS Deeb again! Deeb fires UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT, then runs. But Mina ROLLING ELBOWS! Deeb goes to a corner, Mina roars and runs corner to corner, but Deeb puts Mina on the apron! Deeb swings, Mina ducks to ROCK Deeb! Mina goes up and ENZIGIRIS! Then she runs, NECKBREAKER DROP! The fans fire up as Deeb goes to another corner. Mina runs up, BLINDSIDE ROLLING ELBOW! Mina fires up as she climbs, and the fans fire up with her.

Mina knuckle locks then FALLING KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO!! Deeb survives that modified Meteora but Mina is all fired up. Mina dragon sleepers, lifts, but Deeb slips up and out! Deeb waistlocks, Mina switches, Deeb switches, repeat! They go around and around, Deeb shoves Mina to then SNAP GERMAN! Mina flounders, Deeb hurries to wrench, hammerlock, PEPSI TWIST! Cover, TWO!! Mina survives and Deeb is losing her cool. Loveland is loving this, though, and rally as Deeb rises. Deeb drags Mina up, reels her in and tucks the arms! But Mina back drops free! Deeb sunset flips, Mina sits on it! TWO, Deeb sunset flips, TWO!

Mina is up, ducks ‘n’ dodges, wheelbarrow, somersault and then Mina gets the legs! Mina ties them up into the FIGURE FOUR! Deeb endures, flails, reaches out, and Mina thrashes the hold! Deeb reaches out, pushes up and SLAPS Mina! Mina SLAPS back! They SLAP and SLAP while still in the leglock! The fans fire up with every SLAP as neither woman slows down! Deeb gets the edge, through, then she rolls and rolls and rolls to the ROPEBREAK! Mina lets Deeb go, and Deeb goes to the floor. Mina storms out after Deeb to get her up and in. Mina aims from the apron, but Deeb gets the leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW!

Deeb hurries to stand Mina back up, reels her in, POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! But into a STRETCH MUFFLER!! Deeb pulls on that leg but Mina endures! Mina fights up, rolls Deeb into a package, TWO!! Deeb escapes, but the URAKEN finds her! Mina roars, but Deeb ducks the roundhouse! CHOP BLOCK!! Deeb SMASHES the knee over and over and over! The fans are torn but Deeb roars! Deeb gets Mina up, reels her in, tucks those arms, but Mina fights right out! ELBOW, dragon sleeper, FIGURE FOUR DRIVER!! Cover, Mina wins!

Winner: Mina Shirakawa, by pinfall

The Gravure Idol passes the Professor’s test, and here comes Mariah! They celebrate together, but wait! Toni Storm is on stage. Storm is upset but Mariah says she should join in! Storm sighs, goes to the ring, and and mentor stares down with mentor. Mariah is doing her best to be peacemaker like she was on Wednesday, and the fans want them to “HUG IT OUT! HUG IT OUT!” Mina and Storm shake hands instead, but then Mina warns her that she’ll still take the title. Each mentor offers to hold the ropes for Mariah and Mariah feels so flattered. Mariah steps through, but misses her two mentors glaring at each other behind her back.

Mariah, Mina & Storm all leave together, but only one can leave Forbidden Door as THE AEW Women’s World Champion. Will it be Mariah’s former tag partner or her current Leading Lady that holds the gold in Long Island?

My Thoughts:

A very good Rampage here, though with only so much story development going on. Penta VS Butcher was a good opening match, only a little clunky given how long it’s been since these two have faced each other, but I figured Penta would win. Fenix may be going for the International Championship on Dynamite but I feel like Penta should get in on the TNT Championship qualifiers. Acclaimed of course got a win, they’re gonna go on a win streak that makes them #1 contenders, and that forces The Bucks to accept their challenge for the tag titles. Private Party VS Gates of Agony was an awesome match, and I suppose Private Party losing will compel them to go on “TV Time with The Learning Tree” and hear Jericho out.

Speaking of, I should’ve figured Jericho would show up here, what with Rampage recorded right after Dynamite and Menard on commentary for Jericho to “critique.” Menard & Parker might even crash TV Time if they feel Jericho is giving Private Party bad advice. Really fun Six Man Tag squash win for the Bang Bang Gang, though felt a bit much for Juice to solo those three. And now they’re one-upping the Freebird Rule here, where any three of the four can defend the belts. This is of course their way around White being the better singles guy but Juice had no belt(s). Juice will basically take White’s place from now on so White can go after just about any singles title available.

Very good promo from Shane Taylor Promotions, and honestly a good diss on Top Flight because sadly the Martin brothers do keep getting hurt. But at the same time, this is all just them being kept away from the trios champs and the Cage of Agony, what with all these groups being Heels. This one time, let’s just ditch Face(s) VS Heel(s), let STP take on Cage of Agony so we can have six mean men having it out to go after Heel champs. I also like the matches made for the following week, like Mone VS Zeuxis. Mone is going to be a fighting champion while sending a message to Vaquer through her tag partner, that’ll be good stuff.

And really good stuff in the main event. Mina and Deeb took a few minutes to get on rhythm together as this was a first time match-up. The fans really liked both women fairly equally, but of course Mina finds a way to win out. Good move to have Mariah show up, along with Storm, for this tense “love” triangle to heat up some more. The graphic was also clever to have Mariah shown as being in both corners, where her loyalty will be just as important to the match as anything. I’ve been saying for weeks, this could be a case of Storm winning the belt but losing her protege. And Storm definitely isn’t losing the title.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 6.6.2024 (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.