Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (2024)


If you are in need of some simple indoor activities for toddlers you can start doing today…I got you covered!

Pour yourself a cup of coffee, take a breath and keep reading.

Creating indoor play for toddlers does not have to be stressful on you. If you are like me I tend to over complicate things.

Indoor activities for toddlers is one place where complication is not needed.

Actually, indoor activities is one place where simplicity is welcome and helpful.

All you really need are a few materials (you likely have lying around the house) and a curious, energetic toddler. Check and check…let’s keep moving.

Let’s get right into some indoor activities for toddlers + indoor activities preschool age kids will love too!

p.s After you’re finished reading this post you’ll definitely need to check out these the best toddler indoor climbing toys! They are perfect for burning energy while working on gross motor and fine motor skills!

You May be Wondering What Age are These Activities Created For

Each one of these activities can be easily modified depending on your child’s age and ability.

You can also model it for them first and then let them try it on their own to see how they handle it.

I wouldn’t label each activity as good for a 2 year old, 3 year old, etc.

Instead just give them the opportunity. Then when you see how they handle it you can take away some steps/materials or add to the activity.

That is part of the beauty of indoor activities.

It’s the opportunity to slow down with your child and see what they’re interested in and enjoy.

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (1)

Learning Through Play is Here!

A month of planned out, in depth toddler activities!

That promote learning while your child plays!

And make learning fun for you and your kids!

How to Create Easy Indoor Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

By giving your child the simple tools they need for indoor play you are setting them up for success.

Indoor play for toddlers are great for:

  • igniting their imagination
  • helping them learn through play
  • inspiring independent play
  • the opportunity to play together (with siblings or friends)
  • giving you a second to unload the dishwasher or drink your coffee (hot)

In this post you’ll find over 30 indoor activities for toddlers and preschoolers you can start doing today!

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers that Lighten your Load

Below each activity I’ll give you a list of material you need.


You need to know that the materials listed can easily be exchanged with things in your home.

Please don’t feel like you have to have the exact item I mention in order for these activities to work.

Wether you are looking for rainy day activities for with toddlers or just planning activities for your week.

Have Fun with these Indoor Activities for Toddlers – I hope they help your family!

1. Sensory Bin Activities for Toddlers

I have found that sensory bins are super easy and have a ton of educational benefits! They are one of my favorite activities for toddlers.

Sensory bins can be done with most anything.

I tend to use rice, oatmeal and occasionally whatever I can find in the cabinet.

Then add in some toys of your choice and a pair of tongs. Now you have some serious imaginary play ready to go!

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (2)

Materials You’ll Need:

2. Cloud Dough–

This is super easy to make and provides a lot of sensory and fine motor benefits.

All you need is flour and baby oil.

You can also replace the baby oil with vegetable oil if you’d like it to be edible.

Check outflour sensory playfor the recipe and different flour experiement ideas.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Flour
  • Baby Oil/Vegetable Oil

3. Washing Cars, Apples, Pumpkins, Etc.–

All you need is a plastic bin, dish soap and some sort of brush or sponge.

Then ask your little one to clean the cars, apples or object of your choice.

They love to be the ones in control of a job and they love to be helpers.

Plus, I’m all about any play that includes soap and accidentally cleaning my kitchen floor.

Materials You’ll Need:

4. Play-Doh Rolling or Decorating–

Play-Doh has so much potential!

You can simply let your child play with it.

But if you add in some rolling and decorating your doh can take on a whole new life!

We use wodden beads for the decorating and the rolling is also a great fine motor skill activity.

Materials You’ll Need:

Related:Fine Motor Skills for Toddlers

5. Water Bead Sensory Play-

If messes freak you out. Water beads are the way to go!

All you do is follow these instructions to change them from a pea size to a marble size squishy ball.

The dump them in a bin and add shovels, spoon, cups, toys, the kitchen sink (I kid, I kid)

Do be aware the if your child squishes them they turn into a gel like substance.

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (3)

Materials You’ll Need:

6. Dot Sticker Color Match–

Another great way to work on colors and fine motor skills.

Make little circles (or use dot markers) about the size of the dot sticker on paper with different colors to match the stickers.

The dot stickers in my materials list uses primary colors. Then ask your toddler to match the sticker to the correct dot.

I like to use painters tape so I can safely tape the paper to the wall. It enables your child to stand up while they work.

Something toddlers usually like to do.

This activity takes a lot of hand-eye coordination, so it’s a great way to get your toddler to focus.

Materials You’ll Need:

7. Popsicle Bath –

This is my favorite rainy day activity!

Draw a bath (with bubbles is a bonus).

Then give you toddler a popsicle while they are in the bath.

Their minds will be blown to combine two awesome activities.

And you may be able to brush your teeth and put on some make-up!

Materials You’ll Need:

8. Shaving Cream Color–

I used shaving cream a lot when I was a teacher. It’s a fun way to introduce new concepts and get kids excited about learning.

You’ll simply put shaving cream in a plastic bin then add a few drops of food coloring.

You can do one color at a time if you want to isolate colors.

Or, mix two together if you want to teach mixing colors to create a new color.

This uses all of the senses while teaching your child colors which makes them more apt to remember.

Materials You’ll Need:

9. Paint Pots

You know how your child has been playing with your pots since they were old enough to drag or crawl themselves over to the cabinet?

Let’s take that curiosity and up it.

Get out your pots and then tell you child that they are allowed to paint them with WASHABLE paint. Day. Made!

Materials You’ll Need:

10. Ice Playfor Toddlers-

This is a more recent discovery for us but it’s so much fun and you have options.

You can put water in the ice cube trey the night before and add food coloring into each cube.

So, the next morning you have colored ice! Then ask your little one to use a squeeze bottle (full of hot water) to spray and melt the ice.

Here is another variation of Ice Play that we have loved!

Materials You’ll Need:

11. Stacking Cups Indoor Games–

Use Red Solo Cups for stacking.

So cheap and so fun.

Demonstrate for them how you can stack the cups to make a pyramid.

Then let them decide how they would like to stack.

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (4)

(And in the active section I’ll tell you about how we use these cups to make obstacle courses!)

Toddlers definitely have minds of their own so who knows what you’ll end up with.

But, it’ll definitely be entertaining!

Materials You’ll Need:

12. Pea Sensory Bin –

Have I mentioned I’m all about easy?! Easy peasy (pun intended).

I love this sensory bin mainly because it was safe and fun for my toddler and baby!

PLUS, they ate a ton of peas in the process of playing!

How often can you say your kids ate their veggies during play time?!

All I did was pour two bags of thawed peas into a big bin!

Then added a few spoons, bowls, cups and shovels.

This sensory activity was worth it’s weight in peas!

Materials You’ll Need:

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (5)

13. Scissor Experiments –

As parents sometimes we can be freaked out by any object that offers the ability to cut.

But, cutting can be done safely and in a way that benefits your child. While helping them to work on fine motor skills and independence.

We use these scissors that are very safe.

Then I ask my son to simply cut the paper and his eyes light up!

If I want to make it even more challenging I’ll add a line on the paper and ask him to cut on the line.

But, that’s pretty hard, so help them show theirselves grace.

Materials You’ll Need:

14. Monster Truck Painting –

The Salty Mamas blog! goes into details about this fun activity!

Related:Toddler Schedules That’ll Make Your Day Go Smoothly (+ free printable)

15. Color Hunt–

This activity is so easy and fun.

You won’t need to do any set up. Just give you child some sort of container like a bucket or bag.

Then instruct them to walk around the house collecting a certain color.

For example, “We are going to go on a color hunt around the house and see what we can find that is red and put it in your bag.”

After they are done collecting all the red things dump them out and move on to another color.

If you want to extend this activity when they are finished collecting all the colored items.

Mix the piled up and then sort the objects by color.

Materials You’ll Need:

16. Chalk Art–

The beauty of indoor activities for toddlers is taking something they’ve done outside before and rocking their world by introducing a way to play inside.

Drawing with side walk chalk inside will equal toddler’s mind blown.

This works best with black construction paper.

Then tell your toddler that they are going to draw with their chalk.

It’s a different texture than they’re used to with crayons.

If you want to add another dimension to this you can get the chalk wet and it creates a new look for your child to enjoy.

Materials You’ll Need:

17. Letter Match–

By now your little one may or may not be recognizing letters.But either way this is a great activity to start working on the alphabet.

And here are some FREE ABC CHART printables to help make learning the alphabet even easier!

On a Post-It note write the letters you would like to work on. Then post them on your walls all around your house.

I would just start with a few letters so it doesn’t overwhelm them. Then use post it notes with the same letters (you’ve already written on there) and have your child stick the post it note on the matching letter.

Materials You’ll Need:

18. Kindness Cards –

This set of Kindness Cards is full of different ways to do kind things for people. When you are stuck at home you can focus on the ones that can be done indoors. But, it’s a great way to get your kids thinking about others and what will make them smile.

Materials You’ll Need:

Related:Teaching Children to Care

19. Sorting Colors–

You can do this sort with toys, Pom Poms or I really like to use these bears. Once you’ve chosen your objects put them in front of your child and tell them you are going to sort them into different colors.

A muffin tin is a great tool to use for separating your colors. But, if that isn’t big enough bowls will work great as well.

Materials You’ll Need:

20. Scavenger Number Hunt–

Using post it notes place numbers around your house. Once again I would just do a few numbers at a time so you set your child up for success. Then give your child one matching post it note and ask them to go find the other numbers like the one you gave them.

Materials You’ll Need:

21. Play-Doh Cutting–

This is an awesome activity to work on those developing fine motor skills. Start by asking them to flatten the Play-Doh out or roll it like a snake. Both are great ways to work on hand strength.

Then give them a pair of Play-Doh scissors (or I use his safety scissors) and ask your child to cut the Play-Doh. It’ll be super exciting for them to get to use the sacred scissors.

Materials You’ll Need:

22. Name Hunt–

This is along the same lines as the Letter Match. You’ll use post-it notes and paper (I like to use this scroll paper).

Write your child’s name plus some other names on the paper. Maybe mommy, daddy, the dog or siblings. Use Painters Tape to stick it to the wall for easy toddler access. Then have them identify their name and put a matching post it on top of it.

Materials You’ll Need:

23. Cutting/Folding Paper–

Another great fine motor skills activity and pre cursor for school activities. Because they’ll most likely be asked to fold and cut paper when they are in school.

This activity is simple but will probably be a bit of a challenge for them. I would use construction paper because it’s thicker than regular paper.

Then ask them to fold the paper in half. You will most likely need to show them how to do this first. After folding practice had ended. Then give them a pair of safety scissors and ask them to cut the paper. You can let them do this however they like. And don’t be surprised if they used both hands to hold the scissors.

Materials You’ll Need:

24. Alphabet Hunt–

Pull out your oatmeal and plastic bin once again for a mixture of sensory/alphabet fun.

Use some plastic letter magnets or if you don’t have those you can write the alphabet on little pieces of paper. Then put your letters at the bottom of the plastic bin and pour oatmeal over it.

Now the letters are hidden and your child will need to find them. I like to have them use tongs as an added fine motor skill activity to search for the letters.

Materials You’ll Need:

25. Glue Pasta Paint–

Using glue is another great way to work on fine motors skills while also working on skills your child will be using in school. Giving them the opportunity to practice ahead of time will set them up for success.

All you need to do is get some dried pasta. You can use whatever variation of pasta your creative juices desire. Then instruct your child to glue the pasta onto the paper. Once it’s all dry they can then go back and paint the pasta with your washable paint.

Materials You’ll Need:

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (6)

Indoor Physical Activities for Toddlersand Preschoolers

Toddlers and Preschoolers are super active, as you know! And if you’re stuck inside you’ll definitely need a few activities to get the wiggles out!

These are some indoor games that will get your child moving and grooving.

And if this topic of burning energy is interesting to you, don’t forget to check out the best indoor climbing toys for toddlers!

26. Fort Building–

We like to use our couch cushions, blankets and pillows.

This is indoor activity gold!

Then use your imagination and I’m sure your toddler will guide you as well to create an awesome fort!

This is a great way to get your child using imaginary play.

We’ve recently been using this Air Fort for days we want to set up a for quickly. They are so much fun for the kids and parents!

27. Tape Jump –

Place painters tape on your floor and tell your child that it is the starting point. Then place another piece of tape a few inches away and instruct your toddler to jump to the other piece of tape. You can move the tape depending on their ability and frustration level. This little gem could last you a while.

28. Race

A great exercise for you and your toddler.

Simply race your child from one point of your house to the other.

On your mark, get set, go!!

Tip, make sure you win sometimes so they know how it feels to congratulate someone else.

29. Chase the Ball –

Okay, I agree. This sounds like a game you’d play with your dog.

But, I promise toddlers love it too.

It’s best to use a smaller ball that is very bouncy.

Then release the ball and tell your toddler they need to chase after it to save the ball!

30. Pom Pom Hockey –

You use a pom pom for the hockey puck.

My son likes to use his toy broom and mop as the hockey sticks but you can also use the rolls from wrapping paper.

Then add a square of construction paper at the bottom so they’ll actually be able to hit the pom pom.

31. Bowling with Cups Indoor Games –

This is our favorite lately and so stinking easy!

We use red solo cups and make a bowling pin formation.

Then we get one of his balls and roll it to try and knock down the cups.

It’s fun to take turns and cheer each other on.

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (7)

32. Balloon Float –

The name says it all.

You and your child are trying to keep the balloon a float.

All you need to do is blow up a balloon or two (if you want to make it more challenging).

Then see how long you can keep the balloon in the air.

You’ll be surprised at how much fun this brings to both of you.

33. Yoga for Kids

I used to use this in the classroom but have recently started using it at home and it’s a huge hit!

Cosmic Kids Yoga has multiple episodes that you can pick from.

We just finished the Spiderman one the other day.

But, she also has one that feature Moana, Frozen, Minecraft, Trolls and so much more!

She does an awesome job of interacting with the kids and keeping them engaged.

34. Dance Party

Turn on a little Kidz Bop and let your bodies move you.

It’s always so much fun to see what moves your little one will come up with.

35. Freeze

Tell your child that you want them to move about until you say FREEZE and then they have to stand as still as a statue.

After you practice a few round you can let your little one be the one that says FREEZE!

They’ll love the sense of power they get from being the one in control.

All the Materials You’ll need for Indoor Activities for Toddlers

These are affiliate links at no extra cost to you. Just in case you don’t have them in your home.

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (8)

Now that you have plenty of indoor activities for toddlers in your mom toolbox. You can face those days you are stuck inside with confidence.

Being stuck inside can actually be a blessing. It’ll force you to slow down and enjoy some one on one time with your toddlers and preschoolers.

If you have any questions about these activities or ideas that you want to share I’d love it if you commented!

Go get ’em mama!

Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (9)
Simple Indoor Activities for Toddlers | Every Day Above Dirt is a Good Day (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.